In my mind my weekend was going to be all amout my spiritual, emotional, and physical self-care. And I had plans for experiences in all three. My intentions were all good, well-planned, and lists written. The boys were heading out for a golf weekend. While I wasn't going to be totally alone (daughter home from college for the weekend), it WAS going to be MY weekend to inject a little life into my spiritual and emotional self, do what I want, eat what I want, and finally finish a couple of projects that had been started and worked on for many months.
All good plans have a little "wrench" just waiting to test your intentions. Mine was planning too many things to do in the small 48-hour period of my self-care weekend. You'd think I would know by now that I tend to "smoosh" too many things into a set period of time, only to be disappointed that I only had the chance to experience 1, 2 or (lord help me even 3) things I intended on doing.
Besides taking care of the college student who is on crutches for 4 more weeks, bringing her all meals, doing her laundry and trying to be her best helper ever (UGH!), there were the typical weekend tasks/chores that I simply could not put aside (hadn't planned THAT well).
So, I did finish off one knitting project that was sitting just waiting for the final touches for many, many months. It's a warm-ish wrap with buttons and fringe. After looking at it with fresh eyes I couldn't remember why I tucked it away for finishing later. It was really almost done...must be my creative A.D.D., which is a little voice in my head that encourages me to explore new creative ideas while I'm still working on the one in front of me. I always get the best ideas for new projects while working on others. It was many, many years before I realized that's just the way my brain works and I'm not going to do a thing to change it. Because, honestly, the creative energy flows when I'm working on a project, so who am I to complain that there are 4 or 5 in line right behind that one that got the message to "take a number" and we'll get to you as soon as we can:).
BTW, I'm enrolled in Andrea Sher's 6-week online Superhero Photo course which started just last week. A little gift to myself since I didn't attend Squam this fall. It started last week, but there's still time to enroll! I've already learned fabulous tips for capturing the world and it's only the beginning of week 2~